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tv   CNN News Night With Abby Phillip  CNN  February 9, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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blockbuster. >> alleging they earned millions pushing a false narrative they adopted him. >> the movie and the real thing are a different person >> michael did not like the movie from the beginning. it followed him everywhere while he was in the nfl. >> he felt like someone was making money from this movie and it was not him. >> they never intended to adopt michael. >> i think as they say in the south, you have some explaining to do. >> it seemed to be all love. and, a lot was offered. he was porrayed as unable without the help of the family to make his way in the world. >> the movie is great. it allows us to talk about the michael oher's of the world. >> i know what conservatorship is now thanks to britney spears. >> blindsided tomorrow at 8:00
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on cnn. >> thank you for joining us tonight. both parties play both sides of a damming special counsel report, that is tonight on news line . america's left and right are melting down over a report that raises questions about president biden's mental aquity. he will not be charged for handling classified documents. first, i want to cut through the noise here and give you context. 30 years ago another presidential candidate faced concerns about his age. that issue landed him on the cover of "time magazine." here is the thing, then, in
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1996, bob dole was younger than both biden and trump are today. as they say history rhymes. now, president biden, his number 2 and democrats alike are all blasting robert herr for the remarks in that report about bidens age and his struggle to remember things in his interview. >> the comments were made, inaccurate, inappropriate. they are calling this the sequel of the attack of the six foot monster. >> james trashed hillary clinton. >> there is a feeling like
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this. >> herr went so far. >> he is out combing it is not good >> this is not like what he did. according to the legal team for starters, james comey worked for the f.b.i. but he is running the department of justice, he legally required to right a report. compiling a report highly critical of trump even though he was not charging trump, either. while it is fair to question how hur came to his
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conclusions, it is questionable to suggest that he should not have included them at all. now, republicans, their view depends on the letter next to the name. while mueller was investigating trump you heard this. >> the big complaint have mueller was not senate approved. >> you tweeted about bob mueller and his thugs >> bob mueller worked for barack obama for 8 years >> robert mueller terminated via text messages together. he terminated them. they are gone. it is illegal. that say crime. >> most of us remember trump ripping the credibility of that report. basically every chance he got. but, of course, this was trump after robert mueller released
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the report. >> special counsel completed the report and found no. >> what does not hold water here is talk of a double standard between these two cases. there is evidence, not just of how trump he refuse to cooperate by returning the documents. but here is the political context for president biden. the president has a public relations problem. if he or his party want to admit it or not. >> i know what the hell i am doing. my memory is fine.
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>> look, recent polls show that nearly half of democratic voters, democrats, are concerned about biden's age. more americans believe trump to be more competent than biden. and while it is just fine to be skeptical of polls they are polls and not actual ballots. biden's allies point to good news in polls all of the time. so, you really can not have it both ways on this. cnn reports his team is now divided on how to handle this issue. the one thing is for sure, they are apprehensive of putting him in the spotlight. here is the proof. the difference is stark in the visibility here. when it comes to interviews, at this point in their precedencies, barack obama did 422 interviews, trump did 300, biden so far 86. it is worth noting, also, quality over quantity, that is fair. but, when most of trump's
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interviews were conducted by super fans that allowed him to platform lies and there were these moments. >> a person, a woman, man, camera. tv. so, can you repeat that? so, i said, yeah. so, it is person, woman, man, camera, tv. okay. that is very good. >> visible moments like that one shine a light on the viability and state of mind for candidate for better or for worse. now, with biden the sample size right now is very small. so, when the white house and the campaign decline for example a major platform like this sunday's somewhat traditional super bowl interview it is perplexing. >> i was be wildered by it. it plays into trump's hands, his case is that somehow biden
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is, you know, overmatched. >> maybe they are afraid of the tendency of bidens to make gaps for which he always has been known to do even when he was a younger man. one author said he was furious when one of his news conferences went on too long. in the end, both will argue over whose gasps. trump made more than his share of them on a stage. ultimately, though, it should be about the policies and the promises that drive both of these campaigns. the truth is, though, something democrats can not seem to grapple with, you have to get elected first. joining me now is the democratic senator john f fetterman. he is supporter of bidens, thank you for joining us, last
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night, as you know, president biden addressed the special counsel report alleged that he had memory problems. do you think that the press conference will assure voters, many of them democratic voters that worry about the same thing? >> no, i don't think that the democrats are not worry about it f. there are concerns they will still vote for the president. and that is really what we have right now and how we always headed it that way. you know, we have a very stark choice here. that is what '24 is all about. now that is what people are going to have to decide. what they are going to choose for their nation as well, too. i don't think we have to -- okay they have their older guy, we have our old guys, we have, you know, gasps and they have them and they have their files and we have our file on that side. at the end of the day it will come down to a stark choice here. >> to that very point, i want you to listen to what congressman phillips, who is
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challenging biden, what he told me last night. >> the other guy. oh. >> it is sad to watch our president at a age in life and stage in life when people decline. my party should of anticipated what happened right now. i encouraged the president a year ago to pass the torch. it was so clear what was going to happen. >> senator, i know you have quite a reaction when you said his name, but just on the substance of what he is saying there, he says that the democratic party should of encouraged a passing of the torch here. isn't he right about that to a certain degree? >> no. actually what is sad is to have some guy with way too much money and he wants to it away and help trump at this point. so he has the right to do that. but he is just humiliated again and again and again. if you really like that, i mean, i guess there are different kinds of options available that might be cheaper
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and more private. but, you know, he is irrelevant as are any of the other that run those campaigns now. it will come back to the same choice between trump and biden. >> speaking of trump, trump is over at the nra addressing them tonight. he promised democrats will not lay one finger on their guns if he is elected. what is your message to gun owners who are, in fact, worried that a democrat, another four years of joe biden would result in their guns being taken away. >> well, again, that is, they are going to keep saying that of course. they are not here to steal any of their guns in they have a rifle for deer hunting or if they have a reasonable weapon at home for protection. that is fine. you know, again, another part of that stark choice. if you believe that citizens should have military-grade kind of weapon then, that is one for your side. if you think it does not belong
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in the hands of civilians given the horrific events at schools and businesses almost every other week now, every other hour of every day, excuse me. that is really a choice that we have here in america. >> trump also said this evening the only way biden wins in november is if he cheats. does that kind of language dramatically raise the odds that there is another january 6th-like type event that occurs in this country? >> i don't think so. i think we are vigilant enough about that now, too. he lost, he knows, everyone knows it. it was just wonderful to watch all of his conspiracy partners now, oh, no, oh, please, i am so sorry in court after they have been pleading guilty. nobody really believes that trump actually won in 2020. he lost, he knows that, and he is going to lose again in '24.
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>> so you have over the last several months now, been such a supporter of israel. you backed how the state of israel and the idf conducted this war inside of gaza. president biden, also said last night during that press conference, that the idf operation in gaza has been over the top. those are his words. is the president wrong? >> no. i am not saying it is wrong. that is his opinion. i would not necessarily agree with that. i do understand israeli intelligence believe they are hiding there. that is what these cowards do, hide behind civilians and children and women as well, too. i believe it is critical that they, that they destroy and eliminate hamas for there to be true peace in gaza. >> do you have any concerns about israeli prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu's plans, it seems, to move more than 1.3 million people out of the ra fah area? are you concerned about what an operation there would mean for the civilian population that is already displaced? >> of course, of course i am concerned. the death of one innocent palestinian is a tragedy, we must all remember all of the blood is on hamas'hands. i don't know why there are not more people talking, why should hamas surrender? >> isn't it something that you support? do you think this is wise on the part of israel to do what they, sounds like are planning to do? >> well, if they believe that he is hiding there, then, it
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seems like it could be reasonable there, too, to eliminate the leadership. he is the bin laden of israel. too. i know they, and i believe they want to minimize any kinds of death of civilians as well, too. but right now, i would say, if they just surrendered, hamas just surrendered all of this would be over. >> on another topic back in washington where you are now, your colleague james langford said something remarkable on the senate floor this week when it came to the negotiations over immigration bill and also foreign aid for israel and ukraine. listen. >> i had a popular commentator four weeks ago that i talked to
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that told me flat out, before reading the bill. if you try to move a bill that solves a border crisis during there presidential year i will do whatever i can to destroy you. >> you have been in the senate for a relatively short time, have you seen that? is there any chance, this congress or any other congress can get anything accomplished on the issue of immigration in particular? >> no. i was in graduate school 25 years ago, actually, it has been 25 years ago. allen simpson, one of my professors. he was a republican, a pro- choice republican senator for wyoming. in our class he said they will never have meaningful immigration laws then. it is too useful as a weapon. and now 25 years later that is exactly what has happened.
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it is just absolutely pitiful. they demand this, we deliver that and then they sold my colleague from oklahoma threw him in the wood chipper. no good deed goes unpunished. that is exactly what has happened. >> do you expect that president biden will ultimately run ads on this immigration issue? you know, polls, after this point, show republicans actually trust, or that voters actually trust republicans more on this issue than they do democrats. is using immigration as a political issue something that actually will work for this president? >> no. i don't know exactly what the president is going to run. but i have been consistent about this and the president agrees is that it is incredibly reasonable to want a secure border. that is exactly what this bill would of provided for that. and only one side, one side walked away from that.
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now they have to own that as well. we delivered exactly what they were demanding and now, because donald trump has control of their party and they now just, they are willing to just cower to him. now they will use it for 2024. >> and senator, i mean, on this issue of immigration more broodily, a lot of cities in this country are dealing with a huge influx of migrants. if that is not dealt with at all, if it is because congress fails to act or for and other reason, is that something that can hurt president biden in november? >> well, of course. there is a crisis at the border. i have been very clear about that. i have been saying that for awhile now and we really, it can never be controversial to democrats. we acknowledge we have to acknowledge the issues at the border.
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we show up, my colleagues in the senate were there to deliver that as well, too. of course there legal be problems in all of these cities, the republican in the senate refused to address the border because we had an amazing solution here. >> all right, senator, john fetterman we appreciate you joining us, thank you very much >> thank you. and next, a rare moment tonight, vice president kamala harris defending biden after that scathing report. i will speak live to a congressman who just announced a senate run in a race only to be immediately snubbed by donald trump. and, gayle king is here joining us from las vegas who will talk to usher who will perform at this year's super bowl
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. the way that the president's demeanor in that report was characterized, could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivating. >> that was vice president kamala harris defending president biden today slamming special counsel for describing
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him as an elderly man with poor memory in his report on the handling of classified documents. for more i want to bring in political analyst and reporter for the "new york times." she said she started that response by saying i am glad you asked. these things typically in white house world and politics do not happen by accident. we don't see her that often like that. >> i think it was a clear message that the white house wanted to get off. she is the messenger best suited for that. head of the doj in california, the second largest doj, she was using that to point out the political motivation of the special counsel here. a clear expression for what will be her political role for her campaign, too. they see her as the truth holder. saying things and firing up the base with that defense. i think they want to see people, they want this, they want this report to be seen as
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politically motivated. she is the messenger best suited for that. i think it also speaks to what they are trying to do to cast it back on trump. politically motivated and say this is a stakes decision, 2024 no matter if you think biden is old, no matter you wish you had someone else, the reality is between those two options and that will be the case that is coming from biden and harris. >> she is also part of this, too. republicans are trying to make it about her being second in line to the precedency and looking at her forcefulness there, even just frankly the fact that she took questions in that setting from reporters wherever she happened to be that day. it seemed to suggest to me she was willing, she wanted to show she was willing to step up to the place to bat for biden. >> i think she has to. i was reported on harris last year, this is a real year where
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they see she has to step up, right? so much of the argument that you hear from the nikki haleys of the world is biden's age is a reason to cast a brighter spotlight on the vice president. if the president will not do interviews, the president can not travel across the country, if the president is not firing up the base that is going to fall on the vice president harris, i think this is an issue or a moment where you are seeing her lean into that. the other issue, of course, on abortion rights she tried to do that, gun rights, speaking to young people. she is trying to round out the places where president biden might be the weakest, specifically among the democratic base. remember looking at the polls not big issues he is doing well with independent and swing voters the type of people choosing between trump and him. the problem is that for a lot of people that are the marginal democrats they have been falling off. that is the type of people they think harris can reach. >> yes.
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energizing people to get out there off of their couches and out the doors to go and vote. good to see you. >> the race for president is not the only one that is heating up here. montana is facing what could be a race for who is winning trump's endorsement. i will speak to the candidate, after this
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to catch repeat offenders and hold them accountable. vote yes on e. . tonight, a fight shaping up to be bloodier than a episode of yellowstone, trump picked a side in montana and it is not matt rosendales. he announced his run today. >> i voted and support of trump's agenda every single time. on the day they wrongfully indicted trump, i stood with president trump at mar-a-lago. >> but you could not tell there, the trump endorsement is not going to him. the former president announced on truth social he intends to
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support his opponent. joining me now is matt rosendale himself. congressman appreciate you joining us. donald trump says you can't win. do you worry it will kill your campaign before it even starts? >> no. not at all. i love president trump. he did an incredible job when he is president and he will come back and do an incredible job when he takes the oval office. i plan to be in the u.s. senate next year to help him get the agenda through. >> why do you think he endorsed him over you? >> i find it fascinating, i just left 30 minutes ago the republican convention here in montana, and listen to tim speak for 30 minutes and he never once mentions president trump nor the endorsement. i guess you have to figure a guy that maxed out
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contributions to nikki haley against trump and scott against trump i don't know. i don't know why he would not stand up on a stage with the republicans across the state and proclaim proudly that he just received an endorsement from him. i can tell you one thing i would have. what i would do is go ahead and win this primary election. i am endorsed by people across the state that know me the best. legislatures, i have the speaker of the montana house, montana senate. >> but you don't have your colleagues. >> you don't have your colleagues in leadership in washington is not everything but, the speaker of the house did not endorse you, donald trump did not endorse you, mitch mcconnell does not endorse you, the head of the republican senate campaign committee says you lost to john tester by 4 points in 2018 and that was a huge margin when it comes to democrats.
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they are arguing here that you would lose again. why, i will ask you again, why do you think that they are so convinced that you are not going to be able to win against him? >> i am glad that mitch mcconnell came out and said he will not endorse me. i will tell you, guess what, mitch mcconnell is going to torpedo president trump's agenda. and the people across montana, they are not concerned about what mitch mcconnell wants, he will not select our next senator. but i will tell you montana speaker of the house, the montana president of the senate, 35 sitting legislatures, county commissioners all endorsed me. we will be rolling endorsements out for the next three days, if i had trump's endorsement i would have been singing that from the highest mountain today. >> i am sure you would have. >> i want to play a little bit
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from your announcement today just to give folks a sense of what you said. specifically about the issue of january 6th. listen. >> on january 6th, 2021, i stood with president trump. voted against the electors. >> you said there, you voted against certifying the electors from two states, arizona and pennsylvania, i should note here the courts threw out every legal challenge to the results in those states, biden did win the election, so what is the possible valid legal justification you could of had to block those electors on january 6th? >> the electors act of 1887. saying it is not a ceremonial act but an act of congress that we need to pursue and we had numerous credible allegations of not only election fraud but
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of state officials making changes in the election process without . >> there is no. >> look. >> congressman, i know you heard it a million times but i will say it again. there is no evidence of election fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the election and on top of that, on top of that, in both of the states that you mentioned the courts threw out challenges to the issues that, the challenges to the issue that you are bringing up. but here is the thing, the reason i want to ask you about this. >> sure. >> part of the thing here is that tim does not talk about this stuff. he does not talk about january 6th, not nearly as much as you do. do you think that is part of the reason why a lot of people in your party think you would be a weaker challenger against tester? >> no, i think you will find the people across the state of montana are a much, much
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stronger candidate. i won since the 2018 election that you referenced. won statewide, won my district here that covers 3/4s of the state of montana and my last election i won by 35 points and never ran a television ad. i think the people across the state of montana will support me overwhelmingly. >> all right, we will find out. matt rosendale, thank you very much >> thank you, abby. >> what does it take to be vice president? a strong resume in a squeaky background check? it is all up next
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viewers a stadium, two private jets, two teams, only one can win. those are not taylor swift lyrics but the pop icon is one of the stories in the super bowl when the kansas city chiefs will face the san francisco 49ers las vegas, the site of super bowl lviii. journalist gayle king, you look like a vision in pink tonight. i hope vegas has been treating you well. we have a lot to get to when it comes to taylor swift and all that is taylor swift and travis kelce but we have to talk about . >> she is not here yet. >> not yet, not yet. >> but we have to talk about usher, gayle. this clip of you getting serenaded by usher is everything. i want to play it for folks, take a listen. >> how will you or can you
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serenade in a big stadium? >> do you want to practice it on me or, just throwing it out there. ♪ i need a place to get out. >> how did you feel? >> i feel really good. keep going. [ laughter ] >> even i am getting the butterflies, gayle you actually made him nervous. what was that like? >> no, i absolutely positively was not nervous. i am so excited and so happy for him. this is the thing that struck me about him. here we are 48 hours away from game time. he is so calm, he is so chill, he is so confident. i feel that he knows that he is ready. he does not even kind of have butterflies, i really do believe that. if it was me i would not be able to sleep, eat, i would want to knock it out of the park.
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he knows he will knock it out of the park. so thrilling to see him so comfortable in his own skin and so ready, let's go. >> what i love about usher doing this in this moment of his career is that i know usher as a huge, huge super star, pretty much my entire adolescence, adulthood, what have you, it is still just a big moment for him. he is also talking about bringing on potentially, i should not say he is talking, people are talking about bringing on some of his friends and collaborators over the years, did you get any hints as to where that might go and who do you want to see him take the stage with? >> well, let's just say he is not giving up any information. whefn i asked the question, of course i asked it -- even when i asked the question, and of course i asked it, i don't want to ask it. what is the first song going to be, the last song? his catalog is so long. 30 years of work to do in 12
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minutes. he said there will be surprises. the only thing he would tell me is there will be some skeety. he is an independent artist, won 8 grammys, he won 8 grammys but he has never been on the grammy stage to accept it. >> i was shocked by that. >> i was, too. i was, too. so, he said, to have this moment, i always wanted to thank people so to have the biggest stage in the world, in the world, to be able to do that means a lot to him. i said do you think you are going to cry when it is over? because i think he is very emotional. he said, you know, i think i might. i think i might. he knows what a big deal this is. >> that is so, amazing to think about. this is a huge achievement really for any artist but someone who is as big of a deal as usher is, it really is a cap stone on an incredible career. so far there is so much more
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left including a tour coming up. gayle i also want to ask you about the other super bowl story. we have not talked about football yet, we are talking about taylor swift. because taylor swift is the talk of the town. what is the talk of the town in vegas right now as it relates to her? people are expecting her to be there and anticipating, what does that feel like right now? >> well, i saw mama kelce the other night and said howdy doody to her. listen, you know, taylor swift has really changed the game in terms of the number of young girls who are watching with their fathers. to me there is no downside to this romance. these are two young people, two attractive people, two super stars at the top of the game who seem to be having a good time. i am a sucker for a love story. i am here for it.
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you have cranky yankees who are oh, never about football. but at the end of the day there is no downside to her coming and bringing all of these people that had not paid any attention to football watching this game. so, i think people, people are excited that she is coming. they really are. even the people who say they are not. i went to a luncheon today with a lot of the, the audience was predominantly male. they were saying i wonder what time she is getting in. they are curious. >> it is fun. everyone needs to lighten up and have fun and let the love flow. [ laughter ] at the super bowl. >> and listen, let it play out however it is going to play out. >> i think that is right. the other thing, we all want a good game if you are from the chiefs or the 49ers, everybody just wants a good football game. i think from the moment that the first ball is kicked, i think, every play will matter because these two teams are so hyped-up and both of them want it so badly.
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they are great story lines for each team come is how i like to watch the football game. what is the story line behind the team. i know, it is a girlie thing but i love a great story. >> i do, too. gayle we love you, too. thank you so much for doing this, i know you have been out in vegas well, maybe this weekend you will have fun you have been working really hard. we appreciate you joining us. >> no, we have been calling it our two day residency at the bella gio. >> i would only do this for you. >> thank you, gayle. >> all right, see you. now, republicans, they are ready for their closeups for mr. trump. their audition tapes for the vp stakes, that is up next
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. one presidential candidates are deciding on a runningmate they will have a we'll of praise. but in 2024, trump is the casting director and the groveling is like a performer putting on the best performance to get the role. >> had you been vice president in 2021 what would you have done? >> i. >> what would you have done? >> i would not have done what mike pence did. i don't think it is the right
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approach >> it is 2024, despite indictments, payouts they are still in stolen election mode. not to be out done by vance who enters the conversation. >> would you of certified the election results had you been vice president? >> if i had been vice president i would of told the states like pennsylvania, georgia and so many others that we needed to have multiple states of electors and the u.s. congress should of fought over it from there. >> senator tim scott is another potential pick. >> you must really hate her. >> i just love you. >> no, that is -- [ laughter ] >> that is why he is a great politician. >> that moment is, well, noteworthy since trump was referring to the person who appointed scott to his senate position. >> and it is with great pleasure that i am announcing
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that i am appointing our next u.s. senator to be congressman tim scott. >> so, sometimes in the audition process an applicant is asked to elaborate on candidate's resume. >> can you point to coming that donald trump has done to defend american democracy? >> i can't point to anything that he has done that is a threat to democracy. >> other times a rival is quick to become a former rival seconds after quitting the race. >> that is why i am asking you to do the right thing as new hampshire and to vote for donald j. trump as your next president. >> for some, the flattery is so endearing they can resort to reverse psychology. >> i don't hear about other people running and who their vp is. he is so strong he does not
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need a vp. >> for some contenders making the judge seem magical is the key to success here. >> now, some people can not figure out his popularity. why are people so loyal to him? i am convinced it is because we never seen anything or anyone like him ever before. >> these auditions, call backs from trump will depend on their screen tests. thank you for watching news night
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.


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